We are certified lead abatement and HAZMAT contractors who exclusively service gun ranges.
Range cleaning services:
Lead and brass removal from all types of range backstops: steel, rubber, sand, concrete, etc.
HEPA and Pre-Filter changing — including new filters at guaranteed lowest prices.
Range, backstop, and HVAC cleaning and maintenance.
HEPA vacuuming
D-Lead™ wipe-downs, full lead abatement, lead containment & encapsulation, etc.
Range maintenance services and contracts:
All types of maintenance and repair for steel traps including: plate turning, welding, bolt tight¬ening and replacement, etc.
Ventilation system maintenance, filter changing, and cleaning/decontaminating
Rubber range maintenance and repair
Trap repair, reconstruction and modification
Lead and brass removal and abatement:
Routine lead removal and pick-up for recycling
Removal and replacement of lead contaminated filters including recycling
Removal and recycling of all metals (brass, aluminum, etc.), and all range generated wastes
Lead removal from all types of traps: granulated rubber, sand, water trap, etc.
Range installation, removal, & modification